Easy Peasy Salty Popcorn Making the spice mixture for this sweet and salty Super Bowl popcorn recipe is incredibly simple. A bit of kosher salt and sugar delivers the salty sweetness so familiar in Western treats like kettle corn. Netflix says it has more to worry about than just an upcoming cable-free, standalone streaming service from HBO.

Bahan Membuat Easy Peasy Salty Popcorn

  1. 2 sdm margarin.
  2. 1/2 sdt garam.
  3. 5 sdm jagung kering untuk popcorn.

Langkah Memasak Easy Peasy Salty Popcorn

  1. Lelehkan margarin dalam panci ukuran sedang, tambahkan garam..
  2. Masukkan jagung, aduk, pastikan semua jagung terlapisi margarin..
  3. Tutup panci, goyangkan sesekali agar panas dalam panci merata ke seluruh jagung. Kalau sudah terdengar suara "pop", goyang panci lebih sering agar jagung yang belum matang turun ke bawah dan yang sudah matang tidak gosong..
  4. Kalau suara "pop" nya sudah mulai jarang, matikan api, tetap goyangkan panci sesekali sampai tidak ada lagi suara popping ya, biar gak ada yang gosong.. Popcorn done! Kalau kurang asin boleh ditambah taburin garam lagi di atasnya...

Way better and cheaper than store This salty spicy popcorn makes a wonderful Super Bowl snack. So make a change on your regular Super Bowl treats and try this super easy popcorn. This Sweet and Salty Popcorn is one of my all time favourite snacks. It's so simple to make and will really satisfy those sweet and salty cravings. Making popcorn at home is so easy and so cheap!

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