2. Pastel Simple Pastels have been used by artists since the Renaissance. The pigments used in pastels are the same as those used to produce all kinds of coloured art. pastel = Pastel.new. puts pastel.red("Unicorns!") Pastel doesn't print the colored string out, just returns it, you'll have to print it yourself. Pastel colored icons are twinkling like stars on fantastic sky.

Bahan Membuat 2. Pastel Simple

  1. 200 gr terigu, ayak.
  2. 30 gr margarin, cairkan.
  3. 70 ml air matang.
  4. Daun seledri cincang (opsional).
  5. 1/2 sdt garam.
  6. 1/2 sdt penyedap + kaldu bubuk.
  7. Abon untuk isian, kasih gula dikit & penyedap biar manteb.

Langkah Memasak 2. Pastel Simple

  1. Cairkan margarin dng air matang... Cukup asal leleh aja (hangat2 campurin ke terigu).
  2. Campur semua bahan, (kecuali abon).
  3. Goreng, kalo udah dingin simpan dlm Toples tertutup, tahan 1bln (mestinya bisa lebih lama lg, keburu habis) 😜 Rasa tetap sama.
  4. Kalo mau nambah porsi, tinggal dikalikan yaa bahan2nya.

Whether you are in the Pastel started with a simple idea: what if we could comment directly on websites and make design. At their simplest, pastels are simply sticks of pigment held together with different binders. While using them is called "painting," due to the effect created by a pastel when it is rubbed on paper, painting. Craft Leafs From Left Over Papers. Simple pastel minimal badge collection vectors.

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