Kebab Kurma Tiramisu Crunchy Sort of like potato chips; one is just never enough. What the photo doesn't describe though, is the flavor that's packed into each slender stick. The original recipe is from here This is the recipe for Saravana Bhavan style vegetable kurma.

Bahan Membuat Kebab Kurma Tiramisu Crunchy

  1. 2 lembar Kulit Tortilla.
  2. 2 sdm Selai Tiramisu Crunchy.
  3. 4 buah Kurma (haluskan).
  4. 2 sdm SKM.
  5. 2 sdm Margarin.

Langkah Memasak Kebab Kurma Tiramisu Crunchy

  1. Buang biji kurma dan haluskan dengan blender, atau chopper..
  2. Oleskan margarin ke seluruh sisi kulit tortilla; panggang pada pan, balik dan matangkan juga satu sisinya (jangan terlalu kering agar tidak gampang retak ketika dilipat)..
  3. Taruh kulit tortilla dipiring datar; isi dengan kurma halus sebanyak 1 sdm, tambahkan selai tiramisu 1 sdm dan SKM 1 sdm..
  4. Lipat membentuk segiempat dan tutup semua sisinya agar isinya tidak gampang keluar, karna selai jika dipanaskan biasanya jadi lebih lumer ya..
  5. Lalu panggang lagi dengan api kecil..

Serve with rice for lunch and reserve. Put a tasty twist on flavorful Turkish street food by using crunchy taco shells. Vegetable Kurma is a South Indian style curry of mixed vegetables cooked in a creamy coconut cashew based sauce, lightly spiced with cinnamon and cloves and fennel. Breakfast & brunch restaurant in Semarang, Indonesia. The Rajma Galouti Kebab Recipe are melt in the mouth kebabs that is packed with flavor from the rose water, almonds, and the paneer.

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