Salty Sweet Mocha Popcorn Put oil in pan to just about cover the bottom of pan. They will take a few minutes to start popping depending on how long you left the oil to heat up. When popping starts slowing down turn off heat and pour popcorn into a large bowl.

Bahan Membuat Salty Sweet Mocha Popcorn

  1. 4 sdm Mentega putih.
  2. Secukupnya Susu kental manis & garam.
  3. 1-2 sdt Pasta mocha.
  4. 20 gr Jagung Popcorn.

Langkah Memasak Salty Sweet Mocha Popcorn

  1. Aduk mentega putih dengan susu kental manis dan garam, masukkan pasta mocha. Pastikan teraduk rata.
  2. Lelehkan campuran mentega menggunakan teflon (wajan anti lengket) dengan api kecil. Kemudian masukkan biji jagung. Aduk sebentar sampai seluruh biji jagung mengenai mentega..
  3. Tutup teflon, tunggu sebentar sampai bunyi 'pop' berhenti. Goyangkan teflon sedikit supaya menghindari hangus..
  4. Jangan khawatir muncul hitam-hitam di popcorn, itu karamel dari susu kental manis. Selamat mencoba! :D.

Combine the butter and sugar in a small bowl and stir together. Drizzle over the popcorn, tossing to coat. This simple to make Homemade Sweet And Salty Masala Popcorn is the perfect flavor-forward snack for your epic Super Bowl party or a cozy movie night. This homemade sweet and salty masala popcorn is the result of a little trial and error spice-mix experimentation in the kitchen. This Sweet and Salty Popcorn is one of my all time favourite snacks.

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